Run the Greenway 2024

The Run the Greenway event was a huge success! While we did get caught in the rain, Fairfax CASA had a great turnout. Our staff, volunteers, and sponsors showed up and showed out in their race gear and notable Star Wars costumes for this year’s “May the 4th Be With You” theme. 

Through this year’s event, we raised over $70,000 and won many incentive category prizes, including receiving first place for top individual fundraiser and first place among large charities for online donations. We were the top charity for the MOST funds raised overall! We are beyond grateful for our runners, donors, and sponsors who played a large part in the event and helped make it a great experience. 

To read more about Fairfax CASA and the Run the Greenway event read our feature included in Inside Nova’s piece on the race. 

Next year, Run the Greenway will be doing another Star Wars-themed race on Sunday, May 4, 2025. Stay tuned for more information on next year’s race!